Customer Relationship management (CRM)

CRM means customer relationship management . CRM is an online platform or cloud-based system where we can manage all day-to-day activity of the business, enterprises, hospitals , Restaurants, and all small businesses that we want to manage the businesses in automated form without any disturbance .CRM Is a software through which we can manage all the sales, marketing, customers, and orders, and this software feature may vary from business to business. The main feature of the CRM is to manage the relationship with customers, manage all things without any fault and also help to increase the profitability and efficiency of the business.

What is All About Customer Relationship Management
What is All About Customer Relationship Management- SoftwareDarzee

As this is the era of technology so we have to upgrade ourselves with the technology. So many of the sectors are facing the same problem such as they are facing difficulty in managing stock, products, customers data, marketing personnel data, employee salary ad day to day expenses and they want an easy way to manage all these, in short, we can say CRM Software Is only way Through which we can seek out all these things in a proper manner at one time cost this CRM will not only increase your efficiency but it also saves the time of management and employee in order to focus their precious time on some other work.

Components Of Customer Relationship Management.

There are different components of customer relationship management (CRM) That play a very pivotal role in the success of the management that’s why every component is different from one another.

Salesforce automation 

Salesforce automation is the foremost step in order calculating and evaluating sales of the organization for the present as well as for future perspective. Salesforce automation also helps us to track the record of customers and employee interaction and the future sales which we will get from customer .salesforce help us to forecast, process, record, and tracking of sales.

Human resource management 

Human Resource Management is that in which we can manage the employees and workforce to the right place at the right time as per their skills and interest. Human resource management plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the business. In human resource management CRM helps us to remove the unnecessary human resource it is not needed and this may help in making human resource workflow very important.

Lead management 

Lead management is another component of CRM where we can manage all the leads of the business. In Lead Management, once the lead is generated then they can fix appointments and meeting reminders with customers and follow up on the lead in a proper manner which increases the efficiency of the business.

Customer services 

Customer Services is another main component of the CRM where we can manage all the needs, requirements, and complaints of the customer and record all these things in software. It also increases the efficiency of the organization as well as an increase sales of business and the faith of clients in the organization.


Marketing is another crucial component of the CRM where we can market our product in order to increase sales by giving attractive benefits to customers by the way of offers or other incentive forms through which we can get to track the sales of the product and efficiency of strategy use in marketing promotion. The major segment of marketing is email marketing, activity status, list management, call management, and reporting.

Workflow automation 

Workflow automation is another main component of CRM where they can automate the workflow in order to reduce the expenses and time by putting the right person at the right job also workflow automation is through to see each process of the business from purchasing to dispatch which occurred in the right way without any problem.

Business reporting analytics

Business reporting and analysis are very important in CRM as in CRM we can record all the reports from day to day, weekly basis, fortnightly, and monthly basis and also connected or integrated with excel sheets, etc. and on the basis of the report we can analyze the data and performance of the company. This data can be available in diagram, pictograph, and bar graph in CRM through which we can compare data with the previous month also.

Pipeline management

Pipeline management is another main thing in CRM where we can manage all the present and upcoming project which is in pipeline and also shows us the proper steps and sequence of the project where it is and what changes are required by the project it gives us an exact report which is required and which is not through which proper efficiency can be maintained in the pipeline.

Objective Of Customer Relationship Management

Improve Customer Satisfaction

The main objective of the CRM is to improve customer satisfaction by providing the right quality of the product at the right time as per the needs of the customer. through CRM all the demands are recorded in software and CRM tells us about all these things in the automated form in the way of reminder. 

Improve Efficiency of the Business

CRM also help us to improve the efficiency of the business through CRM business can manage in-stock material data, overstock material data, order, customer list, manage finances, manage expenses, manage accounts, manage the salary of the employees all these things recorded in CRM and through one click they can get the weekly or monthly data. it also helps us to reduce the expenses by not spending an extra amount on the stock already available which is the main problem in the offline platform.

Improve Your Customer Base 

It also helps us to improve the customer base of the business through CRM we have spare time and focus on developing the customers for the business.

Enhance your sales and support Team

It also helps us to increase the sales of the business because through CRM we will get reminders in the portal where we will get all the customer lists from which we get whose order is not coming from the last 15-30 days through which it creates more efficiency and transparency of the business and salesforce to get follow up for the clients on the regular basis and no client will be left behind without followup.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Customer Relationship Management 

The Advantages of CRM are as follows:

Better Knowledge of the customers

CRM help us to increase the better knowledge of the customers through which we can get detail figure about the customer and sales given by them and all the detail available on one click. in this we just need to add the detail of the customer and this detail is added in a digital way.

Retain More Customers

It also helps us to retain more customers because we can get to know from which customers we are not getting sales in order to get more sales we can give them offer and retain the customers in a better way and this is possible only the way through CRM.

Better Segmentation Of the Business

CRM also help us to create better segmentation of the business because through CRM we can get separate segmentation of data department-wise, sales-wise, customer-wise, employee-wise, and all managerial staff they have separate login ids to manage all these things.

Minimize Cost

CRM also helps us to minimize the cost of the business because it helps us to manage unnecessary expenses of the business in day-to-day life and the data is recorded in a digital way and no expenses should occur manually because it reduces the paperwork of the business.

Enhance Corporate Image and Business Growth

CRM also help us to enhance the corporate image of the business because all the data of the business manage digitally and all data are stored digitally. It also helps us to create and maintain loyal customers for a long time and enhance the profit margin and size of the business which tends to ultimate growth of the business.

The Disadvantages of CRM are as follows:


The main disadvantage of CRM is it is very costly software and the pricing of this software vary from business to business and customization is different for every industry. 


The other disadvantage of CRM is we have to incur a huge amount of training to train the employees and staff members in order to train them familiar with the CRM

Security Issue

Another Drawback of CRM is the security issue this data is stored on a different centralized platform and there is also the chance of data being hacked by hackers that are the reason which creates security issues. 

Eliminates Human Element

Another Drawback of CRM is it eliminates the human elements because all the data to be stored in software and we need less personnel to manage all these things which create unemployment more and also the regular interaction of employee and managerial staff will less and will create gap in coordination and cooperation with them and also leads to unfulfilment of demands of the consumers .

Third Party Access

Third party access is main disadvantage of the CRM as in all data stored in some hosting companies nd there is chances that hosting companies may  be leak the data to third parties and in nutshell this will cause a huge loss to people whose sensitive data will go in wrong hands.

Tools Of (CRM) Customer Relationship Management.

objective and tools of CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools – Software Darzee

These are the Top 10 CRM Customer Relationship Management Tools.











Customer Relationship Management For Small Businesses

It includes many features in order to manage the daily activities of the business from purchasing till dispatching. It record and manage all these things from Customer data, Purchase Data, Selling Data, Accounts Data, Employee Data, Salary Data, and all the data related to small business this software must be in the range of small business and may be in monthly plan.

 What are the 5 steps of the CRM process

5 Steps for CRM are as follows:

Generate Brand Awareness 

One of the main and first step of the crm is to create brand awareness among people of the country . we can create brand awareness of crm through facebook ads and google ads with proper targeting of detailed customers and demographics. As we are moving to digital india we can create brand awareness digitally and it will reach to a wider audience .

Acquire Leads 

The next step is to acquire the leads by running lead generation campaign. After running leads its our responsibility to nurture quality leads and we can get quality leads by giving something free as lead magnet. 

Convert Leads Into Customers

After the acquiring leads then we can move further to convert that leads into our customer by contacting them and let them know about the features of crm given by our company and we can also tell them to customize as per their demand once the customer is satisfied then it can be converted in ultimate customer.

Provide Superior Customer Service 

After converting them to customer the next step is to providing superior customer service to customer after sales . this is popularly known as after sales service of the crm and this is very crucial part of every business to support their customer whenever they require.

Drive Upsells 

Once the customer is satisfied with your support and service then the another part of the business is to drive them and assist them to purchase higher product where  they can get advance feature and better customer support .

CRM customer relationship management types

Types and Pillars Of CRM

There are many types of crm customer relationship management. CRM types are :

  1. Industry CRM 
  2. Hospital CRM 
  3. School CRM 
  4. Insurance CRM
  5. Hotel CRM
  6. Hosiery CRM 
  7. Carrybag Industry CRM
  8. Restaurant CRM
  9. Inventory CRM 
  10. Accounting CRM 
  11. Travel and Tourism CRM 
  12. Human Resource CRM 
  13. Laboratory CRM
  14. Project Management System 
  15. Salon CRM 
  16. Movie And Ticket CRM 
  17. Rent Bike and Car CRM 
  18. Mechanic CRM 
  19. Sales CRM 
  20. Event CRM 
  21. Kyc CRM
  22. Supply Chain Management CRM

   What is the overall goal of CRM?

What is the overall goal of CRM

The overall goal of the CRM is to manage all the data of the businesses in automated form where there is no use of manual data and all these thing can be done in cloud based software in digital way and all the day to day activities of data can be store and which can help the organization to check all the records related to customer , employees , stock with one click only. 

  What are the key pillars of effective CRM?

There are mainly 3 Pillars of Customer Relationship Management (CRM). 

  • Sales 
  • Marketing 
  • Customer Support And Services 

  What is CRM in Marketing Management

CRM in marketing management means to manage all the relationship and interaction with customers and these all talks and tasks are manage and recorded in CRM platform and here in CRMwe can set reminders and follow ups for the customers to manage re-meetings with the customers without any problem.


To Wrap Up, we can say that CRM is going to play a very vital role in the future not only for big corporate houses but also for small businesses in order to manage things in a digital manner which leads to cutting down unnecessary expenses of the businesses and which will reduce the burden manually. CRM will also help us to track and record all the data in a proper manner without any errors in it.

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